
Fall 2021

Newsletter Archive


Executive Director Message

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Greetings everyone,

This time of years marks a time of transition as the weather cools, the days become shorter and the colours of the trees become brighter and brighter. This year brings even greater change and transition as we continue to fight the 4th wave of the pandemic. I wish all of you health, safety and patience as we continue to navigate through these challenging times.

Lending to additional transition and change, we are also in the early days following a federal election (at the time of writing this the results are unknown) and upcoming municipal elections here in Alberta. These elections weigh heavy as there is much riding in these decisions for leadership. More than ever we need strong leadership to commit to the actions needed to address climate change and the biodiversity crisis and to elevate the need for nature-based solutions to our environmental challenges. While summer is behind us we must not forget the devastating fires and historical heat waves that exemplify the need for strong leadership and governance. Miistakis looks forward to working with our governments, to design and implement strong environmental policy, to develop innovative tools and resources to support our communities in their decisions to support conservation. Conserving nature is our best defence and our most effective resilience approach, and we commit to working hard to support our governments in the conservation of our natural landscapes.

Stay safe,
