
Fall 2024

Newsletter Archive


Alberta Beaver Beneficial Management Practices

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Explore tools and strategies for improving human-beaver coexistence with the Alberta Beaver BMPs, featuring an interactive decision-making tree

We're thrilled to announce the launch of the Alberta Beaver Beneficial Management Practices (BMPs)! A big thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the draft version.

The Alberta Beaver BMPs are designed to offer practical, accessible tools for beaver management in a way that supports coexistence, ecological health, and the vital ecosystem services beavers provide. By implementing these best practices, we can help maintain beavers on the landscape, which in turn strengthens watershed and climate change resilience.

An interactive decision tree was created to accompany the BMPs to aid the decision-making process for how best to address the beaver issue at hand. The tree prompts yes/no answers to a series of questions that guides the user to consider both reactive and proactive management approaches that include coexistence tool options. Each tool within the BMP document is just a click away.

Please share this resource with your networks, and together, let's promote better human-beaver coexistence for a healthier ecosystem.

Read the Alberta Beaver BMPs and explore the decision tree here: Working with Beavers - Beneficial Management Practices.