
Spring 2021

Newsletter Archive


Busy Beavers

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Spring is a busy time for beavers! We've developed some helpful beaver resources: results of a tree protection pilot project using paint and sand as a repellent, webinar on beaver-related regulations, coexistence tools materials list, and an educational video.

Textural Beaver Repellent for Tree Protection - Results: The purpose of this research was to evaluate the efficacy of a textural repellent (sand and paint mixture) on tree damage caused by beaver and beaver tree felling in Fish Creek Provincial Park.

Beaver Coexistence Tools - Recorded Webinar: Ever start planning a project in a riparian area, but didn't know which regulations apply, or if you need a permit? You're not alone! Cows and Fish, the Environmental Law Centre hosted a Winter Speaker Series - Exploring Riparian Stewardship and Regulations. The two organizations, along with invited speakers outline common improvement projects done in riparian areas, and the regulations that may apply. The Environmental Law Centre provides some background information, and guest speakers outline their on-the-ground experience, with questions from the audience.

Topics include:

  • Riparian Restoration & Bank Stabilization
  • Livestock Crossings of Waterways
  • Responsible Recreation - Minimizing your Impact
  • Beaver Co-existence Tools

All recorded webinars can be found on Cows and Fish's YouTube Channel.

Beaver Coexistence Tools: Materials & Suppliers: a detailed shopping list of the materials needed to build culvert protectors (exclusion fence) and pond levellers. Please ensure you contact your local Alberta Environment and Parks office as well as Fisheries and Oceans Canada to determine what permits and approvals are needed prior to installation of these coexistence tools.

Beavers - Did You Know?!: An educational video about the benefits beavers have on the landscape, featuring aerial drone footage of beavers at work in southern Alberta. This video was created by Alexa Romano, one of the Miistakis Institute's 2020 summer students. GREAT JOB Alexa!

Beaver Website: As always, our collaborative beaver website houses research on how beavers benefit our watersheds and how to coexist when their industrious nature presents challenges. You can also sign up for our beaver mailing list so you don't miss out on new research.

Photo credit: Tony LePrieur