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Winter 2012

Newsletter Archive


Road Watch on Facebook

article image Road Watch in the Pass is now on Facebook! Check them out here. Like them and share them!

Their focus is:
  1. To collect, analyze, and communicate information focused on Hwy #3 wildlife crossing locations, based on local knowledge and science, to assist with mitigating wildlife vehicle collisions (WVC's). The public can report wildlife sightings (alive or dead) along or on Hwy #3 and the adjacent railway tracks in the Crowsnest Pass Area of Alberta. Sightings can also be entered on the Road Watch in the Pass Website mapping tool at: http://www.rockies.ca/roadwatch/index.php and

  2. To mobilize and facilitate local community and public support to implement effective wildlife crossing methods on Hwy # 3 in an effort to both mitigate WVC's and to restore wildlife connectivity.

The Road Watch in the Pass Facebook page is a great place to share concerns and ideas about Highway #3 wildlife crossing needs to help both wildlife and people to be safe, and it is a great place to learn about the concept of Road Ecology. Your postings, pics, and videos are welcome! Photo credit: Loretta Schaufele