
Winter 2024

Newsletter Archive


Bow River Regional Wetland Datasets - New, open-access wetland datasets!

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We are pleased to announce the recent completion of a new, open-access resource to help municipalities, Indigenous communities and watershed groups understand wetland resources in the region. In partnership with Fiera Biological Consulting, we developed four new wetland-focused datasets for the Bow River region. We asked our advisory committee made up of the BRBC, municipalities, an Indigenous community and watershed groups how these datasets could support their work and we were amazed by their ideas. This project will continue to grow as we build a library of examples of how the datasets can be applied and create additional attributes to the dataset to increase functionality.

Please visit bowregionwetlands.ca to learn more about the datasets and use the map tool on the website to view the data.

What's next? The BRBC will be hosting an upcoming webinar about these datasets on February 14 at noon and you can register here.

Thanks to The City of Calgary and an Anonymous Funder for supporting this project. Thanks also to the Bow River Basin Council and members of the Advisory Committee for providing time and insight.