Road Watch In the Pass

Road Watch in the Pass gives you the opportunity to report sightings of wildlife crossing Highway 3. The goal of this project is to collect, analyze and communicate information highlighting crossing locations of wildlife along the highway based on local knowledge and observations.

Why Monitor Wildlife Crossing the Highway

The Crowsnest Pass is an important area for wildlife in the Rocky Mountains. Species such as bear, cougar, deer, elk and sheep require large landscapes with limited human development to maintain strong and healthy populations. Transportation routes such as Highway 3 can have a harmful effect on wildlife populations as well as pose a safety issue for people. In terms of wildlife the highway may limit wildlife movement; reduce useable habitat; or cause wildlife death due to collision with vehicles. Mortality data from the Pass indicates that approximately 200 large mammals are killed in vehicle collisions a year. It is likely that this estimate is low, because it only includes animals that were picked up by Alberta Transportation or Alberta Fish and Wildlife. The more we know about movement patterns, the better able we are to protect the wildlife and people.

Local knowledge is a source of information about wildlife in the Crowsnest Pass that is not being used to its full potential. Many citizens of the Crowsnest Pass observe wildlife on the highway and have a rich understanding of wildlife movement patterns. This is an excellent opportunity to share this information.

Who are we?

The Miistakis Institute is a non-profit organization affiliated with the University of Calgary. Miistakis was founded to build bridges between people, their information and perceptions about their local environment. The Institute supports pure and applied research in relation to the Crown of the Continent ecosystem, and seeks to provide good quality information to the public. Miistakis developed "Road Watch in the Pass" with assistance from a local coordinator in the Pass with the goal of developing a data set of where wildlife cross Highway 3 through your knowledge.

How will this data be used?

The Miistakis Institute has initiated the Crowsnest Road Watch project to be in the public interest. We hope that the data will be useful to planners, managers and decision-makers in the Municipality of Crowsnest Pass and beyond. Periodically, the Miistakis Institute will analyze the data and produce summary reports for circulation to all interested participants and relevant authorities. Initially, the data will be used in a graduate research project being conducted through the University of Calgary. Anyone wishing more information regarding the use of data being collected by this project is encouraged to contact the Miistakis Institute at [] or the local coordinator at Please note that your personal user information will not be shared without your direct permission.